Commission Portraits

Analog and digital photographs

How does a person see themselves, how do they want to be seen, what is the purpose of a photographic portrait? When I take photographs, my aim is to capture moments in which people like themselves. One basis for this is trust in me as a photographer. I like to take the time to do this. As locations, I prefer familiar places for the person or a desired location, preferably with available light.

Various portraits 

Dieter Rams

Event Porträts: RAY Festival, Harald Welzer, Dalai Lama

Portraits of employees, Museum Angewandte Kunst, 2014–2015

Portraits at several events on the occasion of Iceland Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2011

Oliver Steller, Dietmar Fuhr und Bernd Winterschladen / George Ruby & Band, 2003